• African Americans in Rural South Singing and Dancing, USA, 1950s

    African Americans in Rural South Singing and Dancing, USA, 1950s

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  • African Americans Singing and Dancing in the Rural South, USA, 1950s

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  • African Americans Working on the Railroad, USA

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  • African-American Church Spirituals, USA, 1960s

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  • Betty Boop, Mother Goose Land, USA, 1930s

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  • Blues Singer, Mississippi, USA, 1960s

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  • Camp Meeting Gospel Singing, USA, 1930s – 070397

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  • Children Learn Basic Music Concepts, USA, 1970s – 070370

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  • Dolly Parton Profile, USA, 1977

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  • Ethiopia Travelogue, 1930s

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  • Grace Barrie in Stone Cold Dead in the Market, USA, 1940s – 070378-0002

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  • Homeless Boy Visits Santa Claus, USA, 1930s

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