• General Anwar Sadat, assassinated President of Egypt, color still photograph

    General Anwar Sadat, assassinated President of Egypt, color still photograph

  • General Gamal Nasser, B&W photograph

  • Howard Carter working on the mummy’s coffin that held the King Tut mummy, B&W photograph taken in Egypt in 1922

  • King Farouk of Egypt, B&W photograph

  • Photography Lab ,USA, 1960s

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  • San Francisco, 1970’s, black and white still photograph of Levi Strauss, tilt up

  • San Francisco, 1970’s, black and white still photographs, gold miners, tilt down

  • San Francisco, 1970’s, Columbus Day Festival, Little Italy, Columbus poses for photograph with young women

  • The Queen Mary, 1934, ocean liner, deluxe suite sofa and photo of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor

  • Unusual Occupations, Episode Six, 1940

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