• Placeholder

    African Americans in Rural South Singing and Dancing, USA, 1950s

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  • African Americans Singing and Dancing in the Rural South, USA, 1950s

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  • Baltimore, Street Scenes, Sphinx Club, Jazz Club, USA, 1980s

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  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band ,three saxophone players

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, marching forward down street

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, big bass drum, low

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, black conductor

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, conductor

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, cornet player

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, red white uniforms, all black men

  • Bermuda Regimental Marching Band, red white uniforms, all black men

  • Billie Pierce, Jazz Pianist, USA, 1960s

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