• African American Home Movies, USA, 1960s

    African American Home Movies, USA, 1960s

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  • French-Indochina War, Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, 1940s – 1960s

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  • International Students Visit President John F. Kennedy at the White House, USA, 1960s

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  • John Kennedy at Harvard University, USA, 1930s – 070379-0002

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  • John Kennedy in Berlin, Germany, 1961

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  • John Kennedy in London, UK, 1930s – 070379-0004

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  • John Kennedy Speaking with Family Members of Victims of the USS Athenia Sinking, 1939 – 070379-0006

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  • John Kennedy, Book, Why England Slept, 1940 – 070379-0008

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  • Kennedy Family Home Movies, USA, 1940s – 070379-0010

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  • Kennedy Family on Vacation in Palm Beach, Florida, USA, 1930s – 070379-0003

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  • Peace Corps Volunteers, 1960s

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  • President John F. Kennedy and American Military Power, USA, 1960s

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