• Film Inspectors, USA, 1950s

    Film Inspectors, USA, 1950s

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  • Nuclear Plant, Inspection Station, Security Plane, USA, 1940s

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  • Philadelphia Street Cars, USA, 1920s

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  • Prisons Compilation 1980s

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  • QE2 loading the ship’s hold, medium close, chef inspects steaks, wintry

  • QE2 loading the ship’s hold, medium shot, chef and man watch, wintry

  • Royal Chelsea pensioners, close up of man, turns head, Chelsea, England

  • Royal Chelsea pensioners, disabled men seated with walkers, Chelsea, England

  • Royal Chelsea pensioners, disabled men with walkers, inspect, Chelsea, England

  • Royal Chelsea pensioners, inspection, Chelsea, England

  • Royal Chelsea pensioners, inspection, Chelsea, England

  • Television News Vehicle, USA, 1960s

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