• Carnival in Rio, Carnaval, daytime, old woman in Indian headdress

    Carnival in Rio, Carnaval, daytime, old woman in Indian headdress

  • Indian mannequin dressed in costume, Saskatchewan, Canada

  • Indian woman making beadwork, Saskatchewan, Canada

  • Jacqueline Kennedy Decorates Elephant, India, 1962

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  • Jacqueline Kennedy Meets Indian Artisans, Fashion Show, India, 1962

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  • Jacqueline Kennedy Meets Indian Artists, India, 1962

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  • Western, Cowboy and Indian Fight to the Death, USA, 1970s

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  • Western, Cowboy Saves Woman From Indian Attack, USA, 1970s

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  • Western, Indian Attacks Couple, Kills Woman, USA, 1970s

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  • Western, Man Sexually Harasses Woman Bathing in Stream, Man is Beaten Up, Woman Killed By Arrow, USA, 1970s

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  • Western, Men Rape and Murder Native Indian Woman, USA, 1970s

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  • World Eskimo Indian Olympics, arm wrestle, Fairbanks, Alaska
