• “On Air” sign, close up, The Royal Flying Doctors Service, Alice Springs, Australia

    “On Air” sign, close up, The Royal Flying Doctors Service, Alice Springs, Australia

  • Google HQ, Mountain View, CA, USA, 2010s

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  • New York City, United Nations Building, USA, 1980s

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  • New York City, United Nations Exit, USA, 1980s

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  • New York City, United Nations Headquarters, USA, 1980s

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  • New York City,, United Nations Flags, USA, 1980s

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  • The Royal Flying Doctors Service, doctor writes on blackboard, Alice Springs, Australia

  • The Royal Flying Doctors Service, headquarters, Alice Springs, Australia

  • The Royal Flying Doctors Service, male doctor on phone, Alice Springs, Australia

  • The Royal Flying Doctors Service, twin prop plane powers up, , Alice Springs, Australia

  • The Royal Flying Doctors Service, twin prop plane taxis, Alice Springs, Australia

  • The Royal Flying Doctors Service, woman speaking over radio, Alice Springs, Australia
