• Placeholder

    BT Tower, England, UK, 1970s

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  • Cell Phones, USA, 1990s

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  • Cellphone Compilation

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  • Cooke and Wheatstone Invent the Telegraph, UK, 1800s

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  • Early Telephone Communication, USA, 1900s

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  • Radio Telecommunications, Polyethylene Cable, Atlantic Cable Laying, 1950s

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  • Radio Towers, USA, 1950s

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  • Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail Invent the Morse Code, USA, 1800s

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  • Scientific Research and Development, USA, 1950s

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  • Sending Telegram, Teletype, UK, 1950s

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  • Telecommunications, Radio Towers, Laying Cables, 1950s

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  • Telecommunications, Teletype, 1800s

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