• B-52 Bomber, Bombing Mission, 1960s

    B-52 Bomber, Bombing Mission, 1960s

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  • Korean War, U.N. Forces Drive Past 38th Parallel, Korea, 1950s

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  • Korean War, UN Planes Bomb Communist Targets, Korea, 1951

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  • New State of Israel, Refugees Board Ship, Suicide Bombing Aftermath, 1940s

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  • Spanish Civil War, Spain, 1930s

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  • Vietnam War, Attacking Vietcong Stronghold, Vietnam, 1960s

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  • Vietnam War, Peace, 1970s

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  • Vietnam War, Village War, 1960s – 1970s

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  • Vietnam War: Tet Offensive, Battle of Hue, South Vietnam, 1968

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  • Vietnam War: Tet Offensive, Battle of Khe Sahn, B-52 Bombers, South Vietnam, 1968

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  • Vietnam War: Tet Offensive, Battle of Khe Sahn, American Bombing North Vietnamese, South Vietnam, 1968

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  • Vietnam War: Tet Offensive, Battle of Khe Sahn, South Vietnam, 1968

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