• African American Couple Sex Scene in Bedroom, USA, 1970s – 028004-004127

    African American Couple Sex Scene in Bedroom, USA, 1970s – 028004-004127

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  • Blenheim Palace, interior, bedroom where Churchill was born, wide shot, still

  • Boy Sleeping in Bed Hears Train in the Night, USA, 1940s

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  • Brighton Pavilion, interior, bedroom, period room, Royal Palace, Brighton, England

  • Female Animal, Sex Scene in Bedroom, 1970s – 028007-004248

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  • Hispanic Teenage Girl Attends Summer Art Program, USA, 1960s

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  • Inner City Youth Counselor in Philadelphia, USA, 1960s

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  • Ketchikan Alaska, Dolly’s House, house of prostitution, interior, Dolly’s bedroom

  • Money on Your Life, Pt-2, USA, 1930s

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  • Popular Science Episode L0-4, USA, 1940

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  • Popular Science Episode L6-4, USA, 1946

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  • Science Fiction, Spectrum Gun Changing Colours, 1970s – 028001-004400

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