“The Canadian” locomotives in Union Station, Toronto, a cart passes, train preparing for departure
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“The Canadian” streamliner cars, Union Station, Toronto, a cart passes, train preparing for departure
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A Brahma bill pulls a cart piled high with hay down a street in India
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A Brahma bull pulls a cart on a busy street in Madras, India
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A Brahma bull pulls a cart on a busy street in Madras, India
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A Brahma bull pulls a cart on a busy street in Madras, India
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Amish man drives team of horses and a cart over railroad tracks near Lancaster Pennsylvania in the Pennsylvania Dutch country
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Brahma bulls pull a cart past the entrance of the Taj Mahal
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Singapore, Hoist Lifts Shipping Container, 1980s
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Singapore, Hold Cover on Hoist, 1980s
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Singapore, Shipping Container Hoisted From Truck, 1980s
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Singapore, Shipping Container Lowered onto Ship, 1980s
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